Household Honor

Text: 1 Timothy 5:1-6:2a
Rev. John Downs

We in the church are not just a random group of people who cross paths once a week on Sunday.  Rather we have been knit together in Christ into a family and we demonstrate that connection through honor.  In contrast to the world’s throw-away economy, we esteem even those who are no longer “useful”, and are also called to honor our leaders and employers.  Responding not merely to a series of obligations, we are generous with our finances, time and energy as those who recognize the great riches we enjoy in Christ.

A Promised Departure and a Practical Devotion

Text: 1 Timothy 4:1-16
Rev. John Downs

Given the reality of deceitful spirits, not all spirituality is necessarily good.  In his goodness to his people, God graciously exposes this to us so that our consciousness will not be seared by deception but rather remain tender toward his wisdom and truth.  By the work of his Spirit applying the ordinary means of grace to our hearts, particularly the reading and preaching of his Word, we are trained to develop an increasing appetite for what is good and true.  This devotion carries benefits not only in this life but also in the life to come.

The Mystery of Godliness

Text: 1 Timothy 3:1-16
Rev. John Downs

How are we to relate to an unseen God in a culture dominated by the visual?  Most comprehensively, in the incarnation, God reveals himself to us in Christ.  Beyond that, in his goodness to us, God provides officers for his church — both elders and deacons — to continue pointing to Christ the foundation as they aid in the building of his Church.

Holy Fruit and Holy Order

Text: 1 Timothy 2:8-15
Rev. John Downs

Even when it may grate against current cultural sensibilities, we do well to submit to the clear teaching of Scripture regarding the distinct and yet beautifully complementary roles of men and women in the church.  With roots in the creation mandate all the way back in the garden, each one of us as image-bearers of God is called to bear fruit in our lives and to corporately enjoy the order God has gifted us in the church for our flourishing and his glory.

Prayer and Salvation

Text: 1 Timothy 2:1-7
Rev. John Downs

The ideas of scarcity and supply and demand may be useful in economic arenas to deal with things that are valuable, but not so in the Kingdom of God.  The truth of the gospel is indeed exclusive, yet we who are in Christ are called to prayer for all people (even those who persecute us), and to share the gospel of salvation with every kind of person.

Doctrine and Doxology

Text: 1 Timothy 1:1-20
Rev. John Downs

In contrast to false doctrine, true doctrine comes to us from God himself and can be recognized by the good fruit it produces.  While good doctrine is important for us to think proper thoughts about God, it’s good to remember that salvation is found in Christ alone.  As we live all of life coram deo, before the face of God, may our theology move us to doxology in view of the great mercy and grace that are ours in Christ.

The Way of Victory

Text: Mark 15:42-16:8
Rev. John Downs

Our Lord has entered in the darkness of this world and speaks to us, “Courage, dear heart.”  He provides us the courage needed to stand firm in our convictions even while risking our reputation and resources.  Moreover, he offers us needed correction that is never punitive but always restorative.

Faithfulness in a Fractured World

Text: Ezra 3:1-13
Rev. John Downs

God is faithful to his covenant promises even to his people in exile or, in more contemporary terms, to us who live in a fractured world.  We are not called to look back with a sense of nostalgia regarding the good old days.  Rather, God is stirring the hearts of his people in big and small ways to lead us forward in faithfulness.

The Way of Death

Text: Mark 15:16-41
Rev. John Downs

It’s embedded deep within sinful human nature to want to run away from pain and embarrassment.  In today’s account of the crucifixion of Jesus, the focus is less on the physical suffering and pain he underwent, and more on the profound mocking, derision and degradation he endured.  The sobering truth is this: the only perfect man, the incarnate son of God, willingly walked to the cross in obedience to his Father’s purposes, enduring its shame to deliver us from the judgment we rightly deserved.

The Way of Deliverance

Text: Mark 15:1-15
Rev. John Downs

None of us needs to be persuaded that fear and evil lie within each human heart from birth.  What we need instead is convincing that sin and its consequences have been defeated and no longer define our eternal destiny.  Because Jesus our King was delivered over (Gr. paradidomi) to death to the pay the penalty our sin requires, we have been delivered from death to everlasting life.