Coronavirus Plans & Worship

At this stressful time with COVID-19, it’s good to remember that Jesus is in the boat with us (Mark 4:35-41)!  Take advantage of the altered routines in your life to consider how to care for each other and maintain relationship, even when it must be done at a distance.  It’s an excellent time for gospel witness to continue.

This is a dynamic situation, changing frequently. Stay tuned to this web page for Mercy updates and be sure Pastor Curt has your email so you can be included in group mailings.  Please be in contact with the Pastor or an elder if you have specific needs.

Current situation updated on January 17, 2021:

  • We have resumed corporate Sunday morning worship at the Bowles Rice building adjacent to the Hampton Inn off the I-79 UTC exit #153.  There will be ongoing safety modifications including not yet resuming nursery or Sunday School classes, and social distancing by family units inside.  Individuals in a high risk group may wish to consider remaining at home and taking advantage of the audio sermon recording.
  • We have set up secure online giving via bank draft (preferred) or credit/debit card so you will be able to continue to worship through giving to support the work of Mercy Church.  See the Giving tab in the menu bar.
  • Please continue to pray along with Mercy leadership as they are actively pursuing facility options for corporate worship once COVID restrictions are eased.  They continue to monitor real-time developments and will make further adjustments as dictated by wisdom and prudence.